Through valuable relationships with General Contractors in our area we are often asked to work with them and owners in order design an electrical system based on limited and theoretical building plans. Our team has the knowledge to take a building from its conception based on limited information of how the owners will occupy the space and design an electrical system that will meet their needs. Off of this we can then build out budget pricing and give owners and general contractors an idea of what their project is going to cost. As long as the project stays within the original plan then we can be extremely accurate on our design budget pricing.
Once the initial budgeting is approved and the project moves forward to producing actual engineered drawings at which point we will bring in our electrical engineering partners to start the drawings. The most beneficial part of constructing a system this way is that we can use our knowledge of the desired electrical system and pass on that information to the engineers with accuracy and confidence. At this point we will understand exactly what the owner needs and our engineers will just need to actually map it out on paper for the drawings. Our engineers are our partners and they have confidence in our ability to design a system that will not only work but will be up to code and give them confidence when placing their stamp on the drawings. We are able to explain to the engineers how we came up with the budget to insure that once drawings are produced we are able to maintain our original budget with close accuracy.
Value engineering comes simply from experience, which we have plenty of. When we are asked to value engineer a project it is because the project is over budget and the owners need to find a way to cut costs. There are dozens of ways that we can lower costs of an electrical system but it takes years of experience in order to identify cost saving opportunities in a specific project. Lighting can be a very large cost driver, so in some cases it can be as simple as changing the lighting package to cheaper light fixtures. We work with our lighting suppliers directly to find creative ways to lower lighting cost while still producing an attractive and functional product. Other costs saving can be a bit more complex such as changing the actual type of wiring conductor in order to lower the cost of materials or adding subpanels in a locations in order to shorten the distance of electrical circuits throughout the space. We can often work with the mechanical contractors in order to strategically place HVAC systems where the cost electrically would be substantially lessened without causing any increase on the HVAC side. Value engineering we feel is one of the places that separate us from our competition. Our team is not only experienced but are extremely creative, intelligent, and diligent in finding any and all avenues to limit cost for our customers.